Title: Lost & Found Author: persnickett Characters/Pairing: Daryl/Glenn, preslash Rating: PG for language Warnings/Notes: This story was lost on my hard drive for a long while. It's actually pieces of several I started for severina2001 when she bought me in 2012’s rainbow_support auction. I found the pieces and put some of them together for her birthday. It’s firmly set in season one,
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When I was ranting and raving yesterday about the awesomeness that was the season premiere of The Walking Dead this week, flashfly said:
Somebody should have a pet naming contest for Michonne's pack mules.
Well. I'm somebody! And so are you. So here's a pic of them so you can play, even if you're a somebody who doesn't watch the show. (why yes, they ARE
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Title: Passing the Buck Summary: Money doesn’t mean a whole lot after the end of the world. Except when it does. Author: persnickett Rating: R Word Count: ~3500 Chapters: 1/1 Pairing(s): Daryl/Glenn Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for the first two seasons of the TV series A/N: Crossposted at beware_walkers. This is my first TWD story and it was written for severina2001 who bid on me in
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It’s a small multi-fandom auction to raise funds to benefit national and international LGBT causes. I’m offering fic myself (for Live Free or Die Hard, Fast and Furious, Supernatural or The Walking dead) here: http://rainbow-support.livejournal.com/983.html?thread=58583#t58583
And there are other fandom-tastic
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Hi :D Fair warning: random post is random. And probably won’t make any sense unless you already know what I’m talking about but I’m spoiler-phobic over here so y’all can just roll with it for a sec, OKAYE? Okay.
So, alright you guys. Am I the only one reading Homestuck? Today’s update just made me…like…honestly? I’m still kind of flail-lawling.